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wOLLT iHR MaL wAS dOOFes spIelEN ?

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 BeitragVerfasst am: 12.11.2005 13:00    Titel: wOLLT iHR MaL wAS dOOFes spIelEN ? Antworten mit Zitat Back to top

hU hu!

checkt mal >> http://www.beska.net/hl2rp/index.php

aber macht es nicht so wie ich und greift die leute da an , die ham mich gekickt und gebannt ! LoL !!!

mfg ein gerollplayerter rwischt

 BeitragVerfasst am: 12.11.2005 13:07    Titel: LOL Antworten mit Zitat Back to top


1. Do not abuse players or admins. This is, but not limited to, abusive language, or the use of language that offends certain people, or is meant to offend people of certain races, sexes, or nationalities. You may also not use excessive bad language in, or out of character. Although you may use "light" abuse in-character, this cannot leak over into out of character. An admin will tell you if you're getting out of hand.

2. You may not impersonate another player, or say you're a member of a group or organisation (wear that groups private tag) without actually being in that group. If you do this; you will be asked to change names, if you continue to ignore the request you will be kicked or possibly banned. Impersonation of an admin or member of our team is likely to get you permanently banned.

3. You are not allowed to spray anything obscene. You will be asked not to spray your logo if it's deemed unsuitable, if you do you will be kicked. Persist in spraying and you will be banned.

4. DO NOT DM, DM'ing stands for "Deathmatch'ing" - killing anybody on the server without a roleplay reason. Furthermore, you cannot just walk upto somebody and kill them, and then say "I didn't like you standing there, so I killed you." (Combine) or "I hate combine!" (Rebel). If you do deathmatch, you will most likely be permanently banned. Furthermore, you cannot kill somebody for an OOC (out of character) reason: for example, they insulted you OOC.

5. DO NOT RK, RK stands for "Revenge Kill" - you cannot "come back from the dead", as it were. If you were killed as part of the roleplay (or even if you werent), you cannot spawn, and then hunt down and kill that person. This is, in most cases, worse than DM'ing and will get you banned permanently.

6. Follow the admins requests. Simple, really.

7. Roleplay, Roleplay, Roleplay! Do it, because? Well; this is a roleplay server. Roleplay your character to the best of your ability, and try not to interfer with other peoples roleplay without a good reason.

8. Use OOC tags. We are very strict with this rule, and expect everybody to use OOC tags when they're not roleplaying in-character. OOC stands for "Out of Character", it's a tag to show that what you're writing isn't part of the roleplay. The tag is // - and has to be placed infront of everything you say that is OOC. For example:

Your friend logs on..


You will get a warning, and of course; if you typed OOC without the OOC tags by accident; it's fine. But if you keep talking OOC and disregarding admin warnings, you will be kicked; but many admins do ban for this.

9. Use the correct naming. For combine, your name must be: CP-##### // Name - with "#####" being the last 5 digits of your steamid (don't choose 1337 or similar, we've seen it before, and it's so immature) and "Name" being .. yep, you guessed it .. your name!. For citizen, your name must be: [#nnnnn] first "nickname" last - with "nnnn" being any 4 numbers (your citizen ID - and yes, the "#" before is suppost to be there.) and replacing "First", "Nickname" and "Last" with your respective names. Examples:

Combine: CP-97480 \\ Beska
Citizen: [#9748] Ben "Jankin" Beska

10. Destruction of the map is not allowed in any way. This is, but not limited to, breaking windows, going into a building and messing up/breaking furniture or to steal things without a roleplaying reason. This is classed as an attack against the server if you do this purposely - since normally we'd need to restart the map to get the map back to normal. Do this and expect to get banned. Quickly.

11. Only spray relevent sprays while playing in-character. Any spray that has no link to the rebels or the combine is likely to get the player kicked. Roleplaying is all about atmosphere, and if we have random sprays saying "OMGHAX" over walls and such, it makes it less of a good roleplaying environment. Combine sprays can be sprayed, however Rebel sprays will be seen as propaganda, and if caught, the sprayer will become a Level 2 Civil Infection, and is liable to be executed.

12. Anything else that the current admin decides to be correct.

A breach of any of these simple guidelines will either get you a warning, kick or ban respectively. Try and follow the rules, they're just just there, really, to make the server better for everybody. If you're being a pain, don't expect us to revert your ban because "you're sorry" - and no, we won't unban you if your brother/sister/dog was on your account breaking rules, either.

 BeitragVerfasst am: 12.11.2005 13:13    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat Back to top

jaja ich weiss man solte manchmal vorher lesen und dann spielen. ui ui ui!!!
Busfahrender Stinker

 BeitragVerfasst am: 12.11.2005 13:51    Titel: ROFL Antworten mit Zitat Back to top

Hihihi, das habe ich auch schon hinter mir. Komme ich auf der Suche nach neuen maps auf irgendsoeinen Server. Da laufen die Typen rum und labern irgendein dummes Zeuch... Ich habe mich schon gewundert, aber gedacht was solls - und habe alle über den Haufen geschossen Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil . Stellt sich im Spiel so ein Männeken vor mich und labert irgendwas von IP und mein Nick wäre nicht in Ordnung. NAch einigem Hin- und Her habe ich den dann auch einfach über den HAufen geschossen, hihi. Das war dann meine letzte Aktion - gekickt und gebannt. LOL

Der rüpelhafte
Stinkende Busfahrer
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